Why do Indian Students want to study in Ireland?

Study in Ireland for Indian Students

Global Opportunities
2 min readOct 20, 2022

The Irish school system is widely recognized as one of the best in Europe.

Study Abroad in Ireland is among the best ways to get your Irish scientific studies diploma. There are plenty of reasons why researching in Ireland is a good suggestion.

Irish universities are ranked among the top 100 in the world and have a reputation for being some of the most demanding in terms of academic standards. The country’s high level of education has also contributed to its impressive economy and highly skilled workforce.

The Irish education system is divided into primary, secondary, and post-secondary education (also known as higher education). Primary education lasts for a minimum of seven years and includes five years of instruction at primary school and one year at secondary school.

Secondary education includes three years at second-level schools, followed by an additional two or three years at third-level schools. Post-secondary education includes degree programs offered through universities and technical institutes which enable students to gain qualifications recognized by employers.

Ireland has over 1 million children enrolled in schools across the country today, with over 26% attending private schools as opposed to state-run institutions (which account for less than 1%).

The majority of students choose to attend either Catholic or Protestant schools depending on their geographical location; however, there are also many religious minority groups such as Muslims.

Source: https://www.nairaland.com/7389104/study-ireland-indian-students



Global Opportunities
Global Opportunities

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